Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nine Months Later

Whoa. What happened there? It's been nine months and I never would have guessed I could abandon my blog as long as I just have. I've truly missed writing and have beat myself up about dropping 24-7 Mommy like a hot potato. It's not that I stopped thinking about it. I would frequently compose entries in my head...never quite getting them into the computer. The more time passed, the harder it became to get back into it. I won't bother making excuses, actually, on second thought, I'll give you a few.

My last post, on July 17th, discussed my pregnancy, or the fact that I wasn't pregnant enough. As you may have guessed, I quickly became pregnant enough. I also had to deal with a semi-eviction situation.

Shortly after this post, I learnt that our landlords wanted us to move out as our family had "outgrown" the space. Unbelievable, not to mention illegal. But after much debate, we decided it was best to move out of our two bedroom row house into something bigger.

I became a woman obsessed. As my time on the Internet was spent searching for new digs, I just stopped writing. I also didn't want to start bashing my landlords and writing about housing/landlord/tenant laws.

After checking out 14 places (did I mention obsessed?), I found a large and kinda dumpy colonial house in the Tenleytown/AU Park neighborhood of DC. We went ahead and signed a lease for October 1st, which meant we had to pack up and move on out of Dupont Circle. I was pretty pregnant and dealing with a kooky toddler, so there honestly was no time for writing (or so I told myself).

After the crazy and exhausting move, someone had to unpack all the stuff and get the house set up. That became a day job for me.

Once the unpacking was mostly done, I was also mostly done with my second pregnancy (I've now realized I was pretty strung out for over half my pregnancy, which I'm guessing is not so good).

So my next, and I think extremely valid excuse, is that I had a beautiful baby boy on December 24, 2008. He was a couple hours shy of sharing his birthday with his father, and remarkably close to sharing a birthday with baby Jesus! The birth is a story in and of itself, but suffice it to say it was unbelievably awesome compared to my first experience with the babe. I can also tell you that Castor oil worked like a charm in inducing my labor. It will also clear you out like nothing you've ever experienced. But I won't get into that either as that's just gross.

So, as you can guess, for the past three and half months I have been trying to survive, to get by, to cling to my sanity, to get some rest, to not strangle my toddler, and to give both my kids (and my husband) the love they deserve. Being a second time Mom is a lot easier than being a first time Mom, except you still have the first one to take care of.

I have stories to share every day of the week and I plan on sharing a lot of them here. It is time to reclaim this part of my life. I'm sure I've lost most of the readers I once had, and for that I am truly sorry. As I don't plan on having any more kids, I think I can commit once again to my writing. After all, eventually I'm going to want to get a day job, and if anything, my blog gives me a chance to try and string some thoughts together in a sensible fashion. I also want to share my experiences with you, because every day I am learning, and I want to help others who are tackling similar situations. Being a 24-7 Mommy remains the hardest job I have ever had...some minutes of the day I love it, and some minutes of the day I hate it, but it's my life and I'm trying to embrace it.

1 comment:

Cath Ryan said...

OMG you're back! I can't believe it. I check every now and again and I have to say I thought you had given it up for good! So glad.