Saturday, May 9, 2009

Night 2 and 3

First of all, I love all your comments. Keep 'em comin.

Second, I think we're getting the hang of this whole "in your own room" thing. We've now made it through 3 whole nights with the little guy in his crib. We have also established a bit of a pattern already:
  • 8:00 pm - asleep without much fuss
  • 11/11:30 pm - wakes to eat
  • 3:00/3:30 am - wakes to eat again
  • 5:00/5:30 am - wakes to eat AGAIN
  • 7:30/8:00 am - wakes for the day (and to eat, of course)

SO, tonight, to bring in Mother's Day in style, I'm going to knock out the 3:00/3:30 am feeding. I will give him his pacifier and check on him, but he will have to cry it out tonight. It could be bumpy, but it's what's best for all.

In other news, I just had the most awesome pre-Mother's Day dinner with my hubby. Fillet Mignon on the BBQ, sweet potato, salad, olives, french bread with fancy olive oil/balsamic vinegar. The kids up in bed, and us at the dining room table with a candle and some wine (well, Heineken for the husband and left over Chardonnay for moi). I've even got some cupcakes in the fridge for desert. Now it's time to kick it in the La Z Boy and catch up on Lost.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You deserve it & more! Every other weekend should be mother's day!! So how did the the night go without the 3AM feeding?