Friday, July 2, 2010

Veggies and Dates

This is our garden!  How cool is that?

We picked our first tomato today, and while I haven't tasted it yet, it is an amazing feeling.  When the babe gets home from school this afternoon we're going to let her pick the first cucumber. 

Good times!

We've decided that when we buy a house we are going to put in a serious garden.  It feels good and makes sense.

Today is Day 2 of our Anniversary celebrations.  My husband surprised me by taking the day off and we took the babe to school together.  We also hit the park with the little guy which was nice.  So good to see him playing at the park with his Papa.

We actually have a sitter coming tonight and are headed out for a dinner date in Georgetown.  We never do this kind of thing so I'm excited.  A cocktail by the water and a steak dinner, hopefully in a quiet romantic booth.   


BlessedMomof2 said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy your dinner!

Janaina said...

Happy Anniversary!
I loved the garden idea! It's so cool!
I also love Georgetown!
Have a nice dinner.