Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Weekend Date

If I ever need to remind myself of what it's like to hang out with a great kid, I just have to go on a Mama/Babe date.  It's not that she doesn't have her moments of greatness at home, but there's something different about her when we're out together without her Papa and brother. 

We had another awesome outing today and I was so happy to spend time alone with my daughter.  While we were driving to the Goodwill, I happened to call her "sweetie pie." She then asked me if I could call her that every day, and I said I'd be happy to.

I love it when it's just her and I, and so does she.  Her behavior is exemplary, and I almost forget how absolutely nuts she can be at other times of the week.  She just likes having me all to herself and I suppose I am embracing the fact that one-on-one time is a critical component of being the Mother of 2 kids.

The success of our recent adventures has made me wonder what it would be like to take the babe on a weekend train trip to NYC.  But I'm getting way ahead of myself.  I'm just basking in the relief that she can be a "normal" kid sometimes, and that we can have those Mother/Daughter moments you see in the movies (not that I want a "normal kid" or to have my life reflect the movies!).

1 comment:

The Essence of India said...

Didn't we promise her a girls trip to NYC? Let's schedule it. I would love to have you both!!!